How to Upload a Therapist Profile

Your priority is to create a Therapist Profile for your potential clients to get to know you, and to highlight your credentials, services and qualifications.

Please note that you will need to submit the following documents, otherwise we will not be able to approve your profile:

  1. Registration Certificate
  2. Indemnity Insurance
  3. Criminal Record Check (this is optional, and you will receive a badge for submitting this document).
  4. Profile Photograph

You can follow the step-by-step guide below to upload your therapist profile. Please note that all fields are mandatory (with the exception of the Criminal Record Check Document field) and the platform will not let you create a therapist profile unless you fill in all the fields with your details.

Click the first tab on your dashboard ' My Listing', then click 'Create Therapist Profile'.

Outlined below is a summary of required information you need to fill out;
  • Full Name:  Type your full name including academic title (i.e. Dr John Smith)
  • Professional Qualification:   List your professional qualifications (i.e. BA, BSc, MA, MSc, Phd, PsyD)
  • Years of Experience:   Enter your years of experience in this format: 10 Years of Experience

  • Profile Photograph:   The photograph should show you as professional, friendly and approachable. Smiling is encouraged but please, no “selfies” on the beach! The photo should be: 1. Taken in full colour. 2. Taken in a well lit room. 3. In as high a quality as is possible (make sure you upload the original file and not a reduced quality version). 4. Standing in front of a plain white or cream background. 5. Looking into the camera, smiling (if you want to), trying to look welcoming with your head slightly in profile. 6. You should be wearing the type of clothing you would wear in a counselling session and look presentable and professional.

  • AboutThis is your opportunity to market yourself and the particular areas of expertise you are able to provide. We ask that ALL profiles follow the same format, i.e. follow the 4 different elements of: starting fee, credentials, approach, about you. The same format is important to ensure consistency and to allow individuals to make fully informed choices based on the information provided. 

  • Professional Title:  From the drop-down menu, you can choose Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Counsellor
  • Accrediting Body:  Note that you cannot be approved for listing on the Expat Therapy 4U platform unless you are registered with a professional body in the country where you practice. If the professional body you are registered with is not listed here, please email us at

  • Indemnity Insurance: Tick the box to confirm that you have a valid professional indemnity insurance.
  • Criminal Record Check: Tick the box to confirm that you do not have convictions or other punishments that would show up on a criminal record check.

  • Therapy IssuesSelect the issues you are able to work with.

  • Languages:  Select the language(s) you are able to provide therapy in

  • Types of Therapy:  Select the types of therapy you are able to provide

  • Client Types:  Select the client types you are able to work with

  • Submit your documents lets you upload your registration certificate, professional indemnity insurance document, and criminal record check document (optional).

You can enter your office or work location in this section.  

Google Maps has been integrated into our system so potential clients could easily locate your business.

Once you hit the button ' Create Therapist Profile', your dashboard should now look like this:

Need more help? Watch the video below: