How do I know which therapist to choose?

This is a tricky question and there’s no specific answer to this as there are different therapists for different problems and each therapist has their own unique approach. Not to mention, everyone has specific preferences for what they need in a therapist.  Therefore, no one can tell you from the start which therapist will be best for you. Choosing a therapist can take some trial and error. But that being said, there are some steps you can take to ease your process.

For your convenience, we have created an easy to use search tool for you on our website that can help you determine which therapist will be a good fit for you. A simple search bar helps you go through what condition you face, what your priorities are and thus which therapist will be a good start for you. You look at the several approaches and get an idea of what you need.

This tool does not bother you with unnecessary details, it gives you a basic insight and steers you towards the right therapist. With your preferences in mind, we filter out the therapists and narrow down to those experts that are best suited to your needs.

Once you have chosen an expert we will guide you with our therapy page that contains different approaches for therapy. You can browse and see the workings of these techniques for yourself. Even a basic understanding puts you in a comfortable position for you to make an initial decision.